It was a beautiful day here in California. Really hot, I think it was around 88 degree's on Nov.18th 2006. I had gone for a walk the night before to three dog bakery and gotten MEL 2 mini cupcakes and a biscuit with his name on it using carob chocolate.
On his 7th birhtday, he woke me up with excitement and reminded me it was a special day. I got out of bed ,fed him...waited till he finished and finally gave him his treat. You can see him waiting for it in the pix. After I said "HERE" he gobbled it all up and ran away as fast as he could leaving a trail of dog frosting. I caught him in his bedroom with his mouth full!!! After wards he was so happy and full he fell asleep for the rest of the day.......He is the greated dog ever! Love you MEL!