Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Did you know.....

I have been on the web all day today doing some research and I have found some web sites even myspace pages that are not me and have false information. Iam flattered that they are up and made by my sweet fans. Thank you so much! But the information on there is not true! Its funny! Like it says "I smoke"...ummm NEVER have I ever put a lit cigarette in my mouth or even near my mouth!!Or my parents name's. 5 pet's!!That would be lovely! But no. I only have one baby dog.Mel<3<3My nick names are pretty funny!One of my actual ones that I use at Starbucks (because my name is so hard to pronounce!) is FRED.The staff at starbucks always stop and take a look at me befroe they write it! Its pretty funny!! Anyways, there is so much un-true stuff out there. Gotta watch out!


Anonymous said...

what about lestat or your cat you had with benji? did he keep them?

Anonymous said...

Hey Friedia, it's Nikki I know what you are talking about, just so you know that information that you are talking about came from a Japanese website on you. There seems to be a lot of incorrect information out there on you. =( but thanks for letting us know!! =)

Anonymous said...

I think its sad when couples break up that they just split the pets up and dont consider them their own anymore. A pet is for life.

Anonymous said...

hey sweety thanks for telling !!!
its so cool i wanna know more about you :-)

i'm a member in gossip girl net and one thread is called 'your fashion idol' and i wrote your name. everybody asked me 'who is that?' so i posted some pics and now they love you haha^^ you will get big, big, big in germany

I love you magda

Anonymous said...

oh i forgot ...
i read a lot of things:
-you are the girlfriend of benji madden
-you are the ex girlfriend of benji madden :-)
-you are the model for the 'alien' campaign (häää?)

i dont know what is true (i dont care because you are cooool :-)

Anonymous said...

I saw a article of you posing in a dog clothing store and you said you had two dogs?? And that you make clothes for them yourselves.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for doing this entry.
Seriously this thing, and I mean THING. On myspace was trying to convince me she was you and it was pretty damn hilarious.


Anonymous said...

Yes there is an article called celebrity and their pet or something close to that. that you said you had two dogs and they both are your babies. so did after benji and you broke up you just forgot about your other baby? but I guess i'm just sad that Benji and you broke up. It's always a shame to see a couple that seemed to have so much love between them just give up so easily. Of course I dont know the reasoning behind the break up but whatever it is it must have been something worth throwing away because you seem to act like it wasn't important. I hope you realize that you should remember and keep in touch with the people that shared special times in your life.

Before anyone yells at me. YES i'm a Benji fan but I liked him with Friedia so don't give me any atitude thanks. she doesn't even reply to these types of messages anyway just thought she should know.

Anonymous said...

oh god i am so confused ! i dont know what is true and that makes me angry and sad because i like you so much :-) sorry for getting on your nervs !

kizz magda

Anonymous said...

why do people keep bringing benji up? she must have dumped him for a reason and since she doesn't seem to want to mention him I don't know why other people do.

Anonymous said...

lmao @ benji comments.

I think I remember some GC fan saying she saw you in some salon thing when she met Benji and that you were smoking, and my first reaction was "wait, she doesn't smoke.."

Smoking is so gross, ew.
I bet I pronouce your name wrong =[

- Katieee.

Anonymous said...

thanks for clearing all that up. You rock! I think Mel is so cute!

Anonymous said...

well thanks for clearing things up! i didn't believe any of the myspaces i came upon who were claiming they were you [especially since they said your name was 'freeda'] but thanks for clearing everything else up!

how do you pronounce your name? it's so neat, but i've never seen it before so i don't know if am pronouncing it properly lol.

<3 caroline

Anonymous said...

http://img477.imageshack.us/img477/4507/lean8kq.png hot pic you though. =)

Anonymous said...

oh man this pic is hot you look like an angel wow i love you !!!!!

Anonymous said...

what is this celebrity website you people are talkning about.
What the website address.

Anonymous said...


人は自分達以外の「赤の他人」にたいしては、いい加減な事をいうんだよ。 面白おかしく書けば楽しいんだよ。有名人ならなおさらだと思うよ。これは日本でもそうだと思う。

HELLO,People! ON Friedia web site!
i am japanese boy,twenty seven years old,Yousuke who is taking sides with friedia forever oruntill my age be 100years old. Needles to say, she is japanese
super star,model,and japanese most popular girl.please,listen.
the gossip is trivial thing,and ofcorse,wrong.
why? if you look her face, you understand the truths.
one's face stands one's charactar,and truths.
it need not testimony that the gossip is right or wrong.
her face is 「lighting!」
truths is simple.
please,do'nt tease her.more.
colud be possible?
we japanese million fans is sads.
we japanese loves her as much as americans do.
thank you.☆彡

Anonymous said...

I've been deceived by someone on MySpace before. I've had to delete a couple of my sites. One was a site for music due to overexposure. I'm kind of a freak like that. The other was after being deceived, and it was awful. MySpace is pretty much an evil playground for pedophiles and schizophrenics. Not to mention the fact that it's become a huge tool for Rupert Murdoch and News Corp.