Thursday, July 13, 2006


I have been traveling alot. Running around places..and every time I leave home I always miss Mel. This one happened when I had just gotten home from a trip to Vegas.And I got home and saw that I had my camera back! While I was opening up the box....
Mel was behind me standing on his two feet! Like a Bunny! It was so cute! So I had to take a pix of it!
He actually has a photo shoot coming up soon for a dog clothing line Iam doing that will come out in Japan! I will take my own personal pix of it to show you guys!


Anonymous said...

MEEELLLL. he such a cute dog i'm so glad to see he is doing well. =)


Anonymous said...

awww, dogs are the cutest.^^

<3 caroline

Anonymous said...

Aww. So adorable.

Em x

Anonymous said...

aaaw that dog it too cute for his own good!
Can't wait to hear/see more about the dog clothing line, I bet it's all way sweet


Anonymous said...

looool thats cool ! she is very sweet !

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to hear more about the dog clothing line because I have a dog and I'd want to buy clothes for him

Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.