Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Iam back in sunny ca!

Had a wonderful very successful trip to was a packed trip!had alot to do ,got to meet with alot of people.Iam very excited!good things are coming, I can feel it!Havent posted pix..but i got to see the secret Yeahx3 show at undercover office, hung out with jun.bumped into fujiwara hiroshi.gave me some words that i take with me.went down and hung out with oka from medicom toys!and my pals at onegram!we love silas and pam!!my best best buddy for a long time Justin davis got to hang out alot and actually went window shopping!thant was great!saw skeshin chan(designer for neighborhood) told him we would hang out..never got to..and a few more things i didnt get to do that iam upset with saying hi to everyone at metal burger...HI!! Iam sure i will go back again soon! I miss everyone in japan already!Such great people!i got really inspired..iam ready to put it all out there now!!!


Anonymous said...

You and your non-stop life. Sounds fantastic, I'm glad things are really going well for you right now.


Em x

Anonymous said...

I believe that your Japanese friends can be kind and positive because you are more able.
I have feel your brightness to enjoying life with us.

Anonymous said...

awww sounds fun. but don't forget about your american and other fans WE LOVE YOU TOO!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited to see what you end up doing! GOOD LUCK! you have my support!! =)


Anonymous said...

good to hear that you had a nice trip to japan & welcome back to the states!

<3 caroline

Anonymous said...

Despite the world becoming one organization in fact, political & religious reasons create its friction.

Since you have international origin, you can contribute to solve the conflict for coming one world! (I hope(^o^))

Anonymous said...

maybe the First President of the United States of the Earth (^Q^)

Anonymous said...

I love to see how passionate you talk about Japan. I wish I had that feeling about my country, but nope!

Anonymous said...

How did the photoshoot with Mel go?
I'd love to see some pix of that =)

Anonymous said...

Hello, Sab! I'm a Japanese fan of Friedia.
I think that Japan itself isn't so interesting but quite different from your country, and such difference inspires the creative persons to be productive.
I hope you'll have a chance to come to Japan (or other ethnic countries)!

Anonymous said...

please post pictures of your trip soon!