Thursday, December 13, 2007

The wonderful Jeff Bender...

I actually took these for my clothing line that is coming out next year.Monn'Amur.If you havent checked out the site..go to it now! (hehe..) Its still under construction I know...Do you have any good idea's on what else I should do? Or add?...I have some idea's, but its still on the works.I want to know what you guys think! So Anyways...This is kind of a sneak peak! He took these polaroids after each shot. I got these a while back but forgot to do something with it. I might work on using it on something..havent put my finger on it yet! He is a great person to work with! And a good surfer too! Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Hi! Friedia!!!!!
soooooooo nice!!!!!!!!!

cute & sexyがmixされてて可愛い☆


Anonymous said...

i can't wait to buy some of those clothes, they all look so cute!


Anonymous said...

Oh! So attractive site and fashion by new star, Monnamur.

I hope that your idea will be realized as big flowers in next year.