Tuesday, April 29, 2008

It's finally here!! ONLINE SHOPPING!

SO here it is you guys! I finally put up an online store! There are still only a few pieces. But Iam willing to ship it out internationally! I want all those Monn'Amur supporters to wear it too!
Please go onto my website and check out " SHOP" and have fun shopping~!


Anonymous said...

maybe if there were sizes other than SMALL!

Unknown said...

yay, please put up more pieces!

Anonymous said...

I love these clothes, I would definitely buy from you. Add some more, I love your designs!

Anonymous said...

Awesome I was waiting to see the shop open. Actually I'm thinking about buying that skull sweatshirt.

Anonymous said...

i wish i could afford some of those, but there's no way i can spend $130 on one article of clothing :[

Anonymous said...

so expensive

Anonymous said...

so wonder for!!

Anonymous said...

fashon is so like it for hole!!