Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Heading out for another bust day

-- Post From My iPhone with love


Rachel said...

you're looking great these days! your skin is glowing.

Tacomato said...

amg, I need coffee cause I'm definitely on the slow side this morning cause I thought "bust day" was some sort of slang that I was unaware of and had to urban dictionary it... 30 secs later I realized you meant busy...gah

anijnas said...

You look beautiful!

Friedia said...

hahahaha!! i dint even notice!!
OH iphone!!! you silly thing! i never know what alphabet Iam pushing!! hehe

Anonymous said...

hi, Friedia~!! coooooongrats!!
i am so happy then i heard the your happiest news!!
we love you, and we support you!!
おめでとう! xxx