Sorry for me finding out the news so late, BUT I JUST FOUND OUT! In early March of 2010 , one of my top favorite lines (since I was 18) UNDERCOVER came out with their first Fragrance! the "HOLY GRACE" I took a look at the pictures and fell in love with the bottle! Cant wait to take a wiff of the heavenly scent! Found out about this wonderful website thru a friend on twitter:) They did a very nice write up of my show.Very FIRST write up!! YAAAAY~ Thank you AATHEORY!
Please go on there and take a peek at the page about the show and just to peep around the site!
For all of you who follow my tweets, then you have probably already seen this cool commercial!
(Follow me!! I will keep you updated<3 FRIEDIA TWEETS!)
For all of you who have not seen it yet, please go to the link below.
Sorry, I could not post it because its a contest! Friends of mine came up with a really good idea for the Go Daddy commercial contest and asked for me to be a part of it.
It was such a fun shoot! Great casting ,Awesome people!
If you guys can go in there and rate it , it will be highly appreciated for your time!
Got to sit down with my first guest, TIGARAH!
Tigarah (born 1982 in Tokyo, Japan), is a Japanese Baile Funk emcee whose music contains elements of Grime, Crunk, and Baltimore Club. She performs both in English and Japanese, and has a growing following in both Japan and the United States. She currently splits her time between her home in Tokyo and Los Angeles, California. Tigarah, by her admission, means "girl like a tiger."
(from Wikipedia) (missillのサイトね)
Don't forget to subscribe to my channel for upcoming shows!
Thank you so much for watching:)
P.S This is something I have been wanting to do for the longest time.
An idea I came up with when I was trying to get inspired to be in that creative mode, and not knowing where in LA to get that!
So, I wanted to know how other people get inspired. What makes their "Creative Brain" Start??
"Let's ask everyone!" was the first thought that jumped into mind. And since I have so many awesome creator friends they would be the first I would ask!
That is a simple story of how it all started. Thank you so much to my friends and fiance that this show was and is possible.
You might be the next guest!!
Hope to keep up with more superb guests and get you readers out there inspired to do something wonderful!
I have been watching this show on the Discovery Channel. The last episode was on a couple days sad. I cannot wait till the DVD comes out!! Hope they do it again.
We were watching the Final Episode which was all about the making of the show and asked each other, if you were one of the camera men, which animal would you shoot??
Who would you be??
I said " If I really had the GUTS, the BALLS to do it, it would probably be the Humpback Whale" Can you imagine! In the water with those huge amazing creatures?!!! eeeee makes my belly flip just thinking of it!
All the episodes were shot beautifully. Great great show. Amazing how all the creatures, animals, living things here on earth have their own ways and a meaning to everything.
It was amazing, moving , inspiring and beautiful. He is so good! He is in NYC and I got a chance to see him perform because of my friend Eric. He photographed the whole show! I dont know what else to say but that you must see him perform, then you will know how great he is. The was that I described him as a Basquiat Rock'n Roll Pianist! Its like watching Art happen.
P.S if you look in the back there is Leonardo Dicaprio ! No Bar though... and also who was moving to Elew's tunes was Forest Whitaker!
An iPad people!!! Still trying to figure it out. And I'm sure it's great for traveling. No more heavy laptop! Oh and Scrabble on this thing with ur iPhone is amazing!!!!!