I did my very first shipment for Monn'Amur..(thats why I have not been on..been so busy with all of this!) And I just wanted to show you a little of how its REALLY done. Some people think that clothes just come from this magic box...I wish! But really, its a lot of hard working people behind all of the making. I have been doing as much as I can. Iam a "hands on" kinda gal. So For this piece I was up at 6:30 in the morning in beautiful Downtown LA! And just made sure everything comes out perfect.
Another thing that people think the clothing business is this glamorous life style....well, to tell you the truth...thats all a front. I get dirty at work a lot!! And I love it!
It's very terrible!! ^^
I understood it well clothes were produced and were completed, and where it went to.
^^ Thanks!!
"Fiedia" You works as a Model too.
So u like clothes and think that thought for clothes is very hot.
An I think that this is very good work!! ^^
It's very cool and good that u get dirty during work. ^^
I want to found a secondhand clothes store sometime.
Please do its best!! Fight!!^^
It is a load place how!
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